Alison Gibson

Service Director

What is your position within the company and what would you say a normal day at work consists of?

My role in Ascot Bridging Finance is that of Service Director providing excellent customer journey from concept to market I am excited by the launch of the new business and seeing it become as successful as our other companies.

How did you get started in this area of work? How did you become involved with Ascot?

I have been involved in financial services all of my working career, and became involved in Ascot Bridging Finance through my association with Ascot Mortgages Ltd. These are family run businesses of which I am very proud to be part of.

What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

I love customer interaction and being able to deliver a successful result even for some of the more complex cases.

What do you enjoy to do outside of work?

I love to spend time with my grandsons who keep me young at heart, relaxing in the sun, and generally having quality time with my family.