Craig Ollerton

Case Manager

What is your position within the company and what would you say a normal day at work consists of?

I’m a Case Manager and my normal day consists of helping with new enquiries and existing applications queries via email and phone and also assisting our Underwriters with ongoing application processes.

How did you get started in this area of work? How did you become involved with Ascot?

Been involved with the mortgage industry around 4 years now. My Bridging Career started within Ascot Bridging as I wanted to expand my expertise and Ascot provided that opportunity!

What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy being able to see Clients projects come together no matter how complex they may be and knowing we helped to assist in their plans and achieve their goals is a good motive to want to help more!

What do you enjoy to do outside of work?

Outside of work I enjoy spending time with loved ones, adventuring and exploring new places and eating as much food as I can!