Refinance for
Investement Properties

We specialise in Bridging Refinance
for Property Owners and Investors in the UK

Reduced Interest Rates Now Starting from 0.69%
Dual Representation
AVM’s Can Be Considered
Use of Title Insurance
Lending on Below Market Value Properties
Reduced Solicitors & Underwriting Requirements

Refinance Provider for Investment Property Owner

When you are developing property and dealing with large investment holdings, we understand that things may not always go to plan. As a leading refinance company, Ascot Bridging Finance will be able to provide you with the options that you require to resettle your finances to keep your developments on the go. The team at Ascot have years of experience in dealing with these kinds of bridging loans and are ready to provide you with a refinance quote to help get your development budget back on track.

We understand the need for refinance

If you have a significant amount of money invested in a residential rental property or development, the last thing you want to do is let that all go due to an expiring financial deal. This is where Ascot Bridging Finance comes in. We will assess each case, taking into account all existing debts and, based upon the circumstances, we will make you an offer to refinance a rental property or development so that you can continue making the profits that were originally intended.  

Over our many years of trading in the finance industry in the UK, we have seen every kind of financial hiccup there is and from this experience, we know that a bridging loan running out of time is not the end of the world. Our range of financial products includes the option to easily refinance rental property for investors as well as the ability to refinance a property for developers should the build take longer than expected. From residential investors to large scale property developers, we have all the refinance options that you could possibly need. 

The Process

Step 1

Initial Enquiry

Ascot is provided with a summary of the deal, reasons for wanting a bridging loan, the security available and a clear repayment strategy.

Step 2

Initial Approval

Ascot will provide a set of Heads of Terms outlining the key details to which we are happy to lend and the next steps to proceed to the next stage.

Step 3


Ascot receives a fully completed application form and supporting documents for underwriting review and full due diligence.

Step 4


Ascot will instruct both a Surveyor to provide a valuation report and a solicitor to undertake the required legal due diligence.

Step 5

Asset Manager

An Asset Manager will visit the property and discuss with the borrower their plans for the project, experience, exit strategy and the contractors they intend to use.

Step 6

Credit Committee

Your underwriter will present the case to the credit committee team detailing the due diligence undertaken to date and their rationale for approval.

Step 7


Legal work is satisfied, security documents are signed and returned with funds released to the solicitors for completion.

Step 8


Contracts exchanged with monies sent to the seller. You are now the legal owner of the property.

How to refinance investment property

At Ascot Bridging Finance, we offer a range of refinance options for loans from £37,500 up to £1,000,000 now on properties that are non-owner occupied. To start the process of refinancing your rental or development property, the first step is to arrange an initial consultation where we will look at your current financial situation to ascertain what kind of bridging loan you require. From here our team of experts will put together an offer for you based on security, the type of loan you are looking to refinance, your repayment term and your property type. A refinance solution can be ready for release in as little as 7 days as we know that turnaround time on some finance deals can be vitally important to maintaining momentum on development projects. The options to refinance investment property will be provided based on open market value and can be up to 18 months in duration.

The number one choice for brokers and developers

No matter whether you are a professional mortgage broker or a property developer, the team at Ascot Bridging Finance offers one of the best lending services in the UK. As an industry-leading refinance lender, Ascot can provide you with the financial solution that you or your customer requires. Contact the team at Ascot Bridging Finance for a refinance quote today and discover how easy is it to deal with a team of professionals that can provide you with all the refinance solutions you need.

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Common Questions

Most Popular Questions

Refinancing involves replacing an existing mortgage on an investment property with a new loan, often to secure better terms, lower interest rates, or access equity.

Refinancing can lower monthly payments, reduce interest rates, release equity for other investments, or change the loan terms (e.g., switching from an adjustable-rate to a fixed-rate mortgage).

  • Lower interest rates: Reduce overall borrowing costs.
  • Improved cash flow: Lower monthly payments free up funds.
  • Equity release: Access cash for new investments or improvements.
  • Better loan terms: Secure more favourable terms or conditions.

Costs may include application fees, appraisal fees, closing costs, and early repayment penalties on the existing mortgage. These should be weighed against the potential savings from refinancing.

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