Sasha Ehlke-West

Senior Underwriter

What is your position within the company and what would you say a normal day at work consists of?

My role is Senior Bridging Underwriter. A normal day includes working through applications from submission to completion and then onto redemption. This could include assessing deals on day one, reviewing valuation/asset manager reports or prepping cases for approval – all while liaising closely with solicitors, brokers and the clients throughout.

How did you get started in this area of work? How did you become involved with Ascot?

I was very lucky to get into the industry when I finished University. I’d decided when I finished my law degree that I wasn’t ready or wanting to peruse a job in that area, so started searching for something ‘for the time being’. I quickly found myself working in finance and on a career path I was and am very passionate about. For 3-4 years I worked across 2nd charge lending and underwriting specialist 1st charge mortgages. When the opportunity to work for Ascot arose, I knew I was ready to branch into bridging finance. The rest is history.

What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

Bridging is super-fast paced, and no single day or deal is the same, which is something I really enjoy! Seeing cases progress from day one to a completed project is very rewarding for not just the clients, but for me too, as I know I had a hand in helping them through that process.

What do you enjoy to do outside of work?

Away from work I love socialising with friends and family, going to watch my local cricket team play throughout summer, reading lots of books and getting out on nice walks my cocker spaniel puppy, Reggie.